Thursday, December 20, 2012

20 December: staggering to the finish line

I think I'm on my 20th dozen batches of cookies in the last ten days - no, nine - I had a reaction to my flu and pneumonia shots yesterday and only did 2 dozen last night.  All presents for family and friends, but the problem is, I keep thinking of more people.  And I had a sudden memory of a delicious pumpkin loaf cake last night......  but I wonder if I can make it to Christmas Eve Day.

Above you see the tree as it was a few minutes ago, 3:45 pm on, um, Wednesday - no, Thursday.  And my collection of Christmas books, with my favorite one on the top.  For all of you daring bakers in the kitchen, I salute you, and hope we can cross the finish line together:)

Merry, Happy almost-Christmas!


  1. Your tree is lovely Katrina..I have a daughter quite like you..she is a kindergarten teacher..and has Christmas books for every day of the week for her little Noah..She's been reading to him on her bed since birth:) He's 4..

    She loves books..I will show her yours:)

  2. your tree is just beautiful, Katrina! I'm not familiar with your selection of Christmas books but I am intrigued - I'm going to have to see if I can find them at my library.

    Best wishes with the baking - I'm making the orange, milk chocolate, almond biscotti tomorrow and some type of shortbread, I think. Aren't there just too many delicious cookies and things that come to mind to make and share this time of year? But so much fun, too!

  3. Oh, Nana - I think your daughter would love the Star Mother's Youngest Child! It's just lovely, as are the others.......hope I get to see your Christmas Tree ( or trees, I have a feeling you're a two or three tree lady)

  4. Hey, Barb! You're making the biscotti Paradiso? Wonderful choice! The milk chocolate and peanut butter shortbread is excellent, and I'm on my 6th or 7th batch of snowball cookies. The peppermint meringues I made were just too tedious and took hours to dry, but I hope in the future to have a great meringue recipe for Christmas baking. Already heard back from my son in California - they loved pretty much everything, but mentioned the ultimate brownies and sugar-roasted walnuts , so that's good. I've heard from 3 folks who get my leftovers that the Spice cookies were wonderful. One woman even mentioned she didn't like gingerbread, but loved them. How can you not like gingerbread? Best of luck, dear Barb - and happy baking!

  5. I have enjoyed your posts, each one featuring a favorite ornament. Now I'm intriqued by the peek of Tolkien in your pile of Christmas books - which one of his made the pile? As for my baking alas I am without an oven as of this afternoon. In the past 8 weeks I've been minus an oven approx. 4 of those weeks - ran out of propane, had a gas leak and now it just seems to have died. Thankfully I got all the gift baking done as of yesterday - between periods of being oven-less.

  6. Oh, Lisa - I am so sorry you are without an oven, but relieved you got your baking done, just in the nick of time.
    The Tolkien book is called The Father Christmas Letters - letters "Father Christmas" (ie Tolkien) wrote and illustrated for his children from 1920 to 1938. Priceless and delightful, as anything from Tolkien is. I have no idea if it's still available. Happy Christmas to you!

  7. The title of this post cracked me up when it arrived in my feedblitz subscription email, but I didn't have a chance to comment until now. I hope you survived - and had a wonderful day! :) xoxo

  8. Dear Fig - I'm sorry to say I lost all the energy and enthusiasm shortly after - is that the story of my life or what? Much love to you and the sheep, and all your delightful critters on the farm - and a little more energy for the New Year! Hugs to all!
