Saturday, April 10, 2010

fritta di asparagi: asparagus frittata with parmesan

Are you one of those people who tends to try a new recipe, and then eat it for weeks? I'm on week two of celebrating asparagus season with this quick and tasty frittata. No, it's not really a quiche, since there's no milk or cream - and it's quite flat, compared to quiche, but I've gotten hooked on it. It's a wonderful brunch or breakfast dish, and you can brown bag it ( with an ice pack) for lunch or a picnic. Add a nice salad and some sweetsies or fruit, and you're all set!


To make:


3 extra large eggs

1 T. water

2 T. olive oil

1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese

salt and pepper to taste

4-5 spears of asparagus, tough ends removed, sliced diagonally in 1" pieces

1/2 t. basil, mint, oregano, or dill


Heat the olive oil in a heatproof skillet or omelet pan, swirling the oil around the sides of the pan.

Mix the eggs in a bowl with a fork, along with the water, herbs, salt and pepper, and parmesan.

Mix in the cut asparagus and pour into the hot skillet. Reduce heat to medium.

Turn on your broiler.

As the eggs cook, use a fork to gently pull the edges toward the center, and tip the pan so the inner egg mixture flows to the edges.

When the frittata looks firm and mostly cooked, take it off the burner and slide into the hot broiler. Keep your eye on it, and as soon as you see a tiny bit of browning, pull the pan out to cool.

Let sit for a minute, then run a dull knife around the edge of the frittata. Cut into 6 portions and serve. Serves 2 .



What I'm reading: How to Cook a Tart, ( which Tony Bourdain calls "gastro-porn")

Enjoy Spring!


  1. This is my kind of breakfast; looks wonderful!

  2. We had Frittata for dinner on Thursday. Served it with German style roasted potatoes. Made mine with red kale and spicy salami. Frittata is such an easy and yummy dish. Thanks for the recipe with the asparagus.

  3. Kalyn - it definitely seemed like a "Kalyn" recipe:)
    For some reason, it's not as heavy on the stomach as quiches can sometimes be - maybe it's the lack of milk product? Glad you enjoyed!

  4. Oooo, Kirsten - I love red kale! It cooks up a lot faster than Tuscan or frilly kale, so it would be perfect in a frittata - thanks for the idea!

  5. This looks delicious and asparagus is abundant at the moment!

  6. Thanks, Kate - and although our asparagus isn't quite local (yet), the asparagus I've bought in the stores has been tender and fresh, and perfect for this frittata.

  7. If you've been eating it for 2 weeks, it must be delicious! Of course, what with asparagus isn't? Nice recipe!

  8. Thanks, Michael and Jessi - am I the only cook that gets hooked on a new recipe for 2 weeks? :)
