Tuesday, May 18, 2010

baby beet greens with lardons and red wine vinegar

When I saw these baby beet greens at the Keene Farmer's Market, you can believe I snatched them up quickly. Early spring vegetables and greens are one of the joys of eating with the seasons, and the way I make them is quick and delicious.
I added lardons (little sticks of sauteed salt pork) but you could just as well use bacon - or no meat at all. When I opened the package of salt pork, I was sorry to see it was pre-sliced, so I couldn't make the matchsticks as fat as I wanted. (To make the lardons, simply cut salt pork into fat sticks about an inch and a half in length, and 1/2 inch in width, simmer in water for a few minutes, then drain and pat dry. Proceed with your recipe from there.)
This recipe serves two, but it's easy to multiply.
To make:
2 large handfuls baby beet greens, about 4 cups, roughly chopped
2 tablespoons or so of lardons
3 slivered cloves of garlic
2 T. olive oil
1 or 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar or herb vinegar
salt and pepper
In medium saucepan, heat the olive oil, then saute the lardons and garlic until just golden.
Remove the lardons and garlic to a paper towel, but do not drain off the oil.
Carefully add a half cup water ( it will sputter) to the oil, then the beet greens. With heat on medium, cover and cook about 5 minutes.
Uncover the greens and remove from heat. Add salt and pepper and vinegar to the greens and stir.
Remove to a plate and pile the lardons or bacon and garlic on the side, then dig in!
What I'm reading: The Hunger, a story of food, desire, and ambition, by Chef John Delucie.

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