Wednesday, November 16, 2011

wordless wednesday: sweet potato lunch

Glorious day for a little hike - overcast, gray, but still 60 degrees , for which I am endlessly grateful, and came back hungry as a bear. ( Nope, no bears lately - another thing I'm grateful for)

I had an enormous sweet potato, which I peeled, cut into chunks, and tossed with olive oil, thyme ( lots of thyme!) kosher salt and pepper, and half a sliced onion. Roasted at 425F for 40 minutes and swooned over every delicious forkful. ( oh, and pssst: they make a great Thanksgiving side, too!)

Hope your day is just as delightful, and take care of your sweet selves!


  1. YUM! I love sweet potatoes prepared this way. Sounds perfect for my lunch today! Thank you for the reminder, Katrina!

  2. Thank YOU, Marianne, for sending me a smile! Delighted to remind you about these oh so yummy potatoes - enjoy!

  3. So simple and sensible. Thank you for the seductive text and the pix as well.

  4. just love to eat sweet potatoes because it is rich in vit a and c and it is also good for stomach ulcers and more...
