All content copyright Katrina Hall 2008 through 2025

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

a colorful January!

As I write this, a winter blizzard is moving into New England.  I am inland, so the snow reached here only four or five hours ago - and we have power!  When I measured the snow in the middle of the flat front yard, it was 8" - drifts were much more.

Thinking back over January, I realized I was changing my eating habits subtly - many more greens and vegetables, fewer sweets and, my downfall, tortilla chips with melted mozzarella, salsa, and sour cream.  I still have the chips and mozzarella, but the sour cream has disappeared.

And the colors !  Shining like a rainbow - which definitely puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step (as I go out to shovel:) From the top:  arugula with braised celery,warmed tomatoes with basil, mushrooms, and cubes of mozzarella;  smoked turkey sandwich with arugula and grated cheddar;  kale soup with orzo; asparagus with hardboiled eggs and parmesan;  green chard and shredded chicken soup;  homemade strawberry jam.   Hope you are all enjoying your winter!


La Table De Nana said...

Wow Katrina..I have to force my menu to include salads and I do..but this cold makes me crave warmer foods..All the pics are so lovely..Thank goodness for our cameras n'est-ce pas?

katrina said...

As you see, Nana, like you I find cold salads unappetizing in the winter - as you see with the warm braised celery (and the cold arugula:)
Delighted you liked the pictures - and oui! Loving the light reflected off the snow as I enjoy the colors of my meals! Thank you!

Barb said...

oh, may I come at eat with you, please? Your photos are absolutely so wonderful - I want to get my fork and eat off the screen!

I'm sorry to tell you that I didn't get a chance to make the orange/clementine muffins yet - too busy helping my Mom - but I'm going to make them sometime soon.

I thought about you and this huge winter storm and wondered if it would get to you. Not as bad as it could have been and you have power - thankfully! but still you have to shovel. Ahh - winter!

katrina said...

Thank you for your very kind words, Barb! I'm delighted you enjoyed the food photos - and honestly, I haven't missed making brownies or cakes (well, I do miss cake & frosting) but time to get in shape. Been faithfully doing my back exercises, which include several for strengthening the "core" - ie: my tummy, so shoveling has been a breeze!