Saturday, December 24, 2016

a merry little Christmas

Wow - it's been a long time between posts, but here I am today to wish you the most wonderful Christmas and holiday!  I've been baking for friends and family, attended a delightful cookie baking and decorating party with my grandchildren, delighted in a true snowfall here in the city, made more cookies, and my Christmas biscotti, and , as always, missed my sister, especially this time of year.

Looking forward to Christmas with family, and making resolutions , which includes being a little better with posting:), taking the time to make a real meal for one or two, rather than just heating up leftovers - I tend heavily toward huge pots of soup which somehow have to be eaten.  More walks, more city exploring (though I am not a city person), some meaningful volunteering as the next year ticks closer, and political activism.  Be well, dear friends, and enjoy the day.

Ginger stars recipe here!


  1. Merry Christmas to you too. I agree with you, tis the season of baking. Glad you've had people around to share it with. Looking forward to trying your apple bread pudding for two. Just the right size for my household these days.

  2. Thank you, Lisa! And on to the New Year!

  3. So beautiful and festive! Happy New Year to you and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  4. Thank you, Linda! Happy New Year to you and good wishes and joy!
