All content copyright Katrina Hall 2008 through 2025

Saturday, May 15, 2010

farmer's market day!

This morning I made it to the Keene, NH Farmer's market in record time - a half hour after it opened. Which meant it was only the second time ever I was able to buy a warm loaf of Bob's bread ! Usually by the time I drive the 45 minutes to the market, Bob's has sold out and driven away, so it was worth going without my second cuppa. Though sunny, it was wildly windy today, and the farmers held down their tents with one hand while they tried to make change and bag up the veggies with their other.
Lots of herb and flower plants, leafy greens, a few eggs ( new layers are slow this time of year), the sausage people, a new goat-cheese vendor, and a maple syrup producer were on hand today - and Bob's bread being sold out of the back of his white van. Keene is the biggest farmer's market in our area ( the southwestern corner of NH known as the Monadnock region), so they offer more produce and products than the smaller markets in the outlying villages of Hancock, Peterborough, and coming tomorrow, Temple, NH. I go to all of them if I have time.
Keene Farmer's Market is open Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9-2, Hancock Saturdays 9-12, Peterborough Wednesdays from 3-6, and Temple, Sundays, not sure of the time.
Here's a list of all the farmers markets in New Hampshire - so hope you'll plan a visit!


Barb said...

Hi Katrina ~ Those radishes are beautiful (love them!!!) and so are all the other veggies and now I wish I could have a slice of Bob's bread. (Your photos are always so wonderful!) By the way, are you still doing the 365 photo project? I just remembered that - you need to put a link on your site so we can get to it quickly! (Yeah, yeah... just one more job for you to do, huh?)

Don't you just love farmer's markets? I guess it's true - local tastes best!

Hope your weather is as beautiful for you as it is here in s.e. MI.

J Rodney said...

Everything looks fantastic Katrina. It looks so fresh and inviting. We just had a farmer's market store open up, but I was quite disappointed, as the produce did not seem very fresh.

kellypea said...

What a haul! We didn't do quite that well on our last trip. I can't begin to imagine having to drive 45 minutes for anything, though. What a trooper.

katrina said...

Hi Barb - and yes, it's beautiful out! Soooo eager to put in the tender herbs and veggies in the garden, but there's still a chance of frost, and with the full moon on the 27th I may have to wait even longer. Grrr.
If you look just to the right of the latest posting, you'll see a header that says labels - just scroll down to the p's and it says project 365. And I'm already down to half a loaf of that wonderful bread - I got black olive and thyme and is it ever awesome!

katrina said...

Hi Frugal Mom! That's too bad - I have heard gardening in Florida can be a challenge, but there's no excuse for wilted produce. I hope you'll mention it to the Market Master - they're usually very open to feedback.
Meantime, I'll bet right now you're at the beach with the boys and your husband!

katrina said...

Hi Kelly - you know you're spoiled out there in San Diego, don't you? Everything in NH is far, far apart, but we're pretty darn determined - so we're committed to supporting our farmers, even if it means another few dollars in gas:)

Jeff said...

Beautiful pictures, as always. Is that baby bok choy? I recently "learned" how to cook with it and I was shocked how tender the stalks become.

katrina said...

That is baby bok choy, Jeff - and one of these days I'll have to try cooking it! I only eat bok choy raw, in salads, though it seems most people use it in soups or cooked.

Nashwa Mostafa said...

نظافة الشقه بالكامل باقل سعر
افضل شركة لغسيل وتنظيف الشقق فى المدينة المنورة
شركة رخيصه جدا لتنظيف الشقق بالمدينة المنورة. خصم 25% على غسيل الموكيت. خصم 25% على رش الحشرات
افضل شركة لغسيل الشقق فى المدينة المنورة
خدمات تنظيف الشقق بالمدينة المنورة
غسيل الجدران، الغرف، الحمامات، المطبخ، الشبابيك، غسيل الكنب، الستائر، المفروشات
من خدماتنا:
شركة مكافحة حمام في المدينة المنورة
تنظيف خزانات المياه غسيل خزانات بالمدينة

شركة غسيل شقق بالمدينة المنورة
شركة غسيل سجاد بالمدينة
افضل شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمدينة
شركة غسيل كنب ومجالس في المدينة
شركة النسر الذهبي لتنظيف المنازل بالمدينة
متخصصة بجميع أعمال نظافة المنازل والفلل والعمارات والشقق السكنيةشركة تنظيف فلل بالمدينة.
شركة تنظيف شقق بالمدينة مع التعقيم
