Eating in this kind of weather is a challenge. Enjoying it? Not so much. A cold shower at 10 pm helps, and so do all those tried and true recipes I have right at my fingertips. I've sent Maida's delectable brownies to my son in almost-chilly San Francisco, Tuscan Bean salad for suppers with the kids and grandkids, Finnish cucumber salad, cold, sweet and sour - always welcome at any meal. Blueberry muffins with toasted walnuts, made early in the morning, before it gets too hot. Yogurt and fresh fruit with honey any morning - or evening! Composed French salads, pickled red onions, lots of lemon cucumber mint water, eggplant appetizer with tortilla chips, Italian bread salad, zesty with garlic and tomatoes. HB eggs with mayo ( Hellman's, please) with fresh basil and arugula, and embarrassing amounts of juicy watermelon chunks, strawberries, and blueberries. Raspberry season came and went in a day, unhappy with the lack of rain. I hope you all are holding up as well as can be.
For some reason, I've had no desire for cold soups, but you can find lots and LOTS of recipes here; until this summer I've cherished soup in all seasons.
On a sad note, my beloved 15 year old pussycat died the Friday before last: I miss her hugely. She was a playful, loving, darling Domino, and I hope she is at last with her beloved Indiana Jones, our Golden Retriever. That gives me comfort.
I hate the hot weather here as well. I drove though California's central valley (our farming center--and likely the rest of the country's)recently and passed sign after sign about the drought caused by politics. So sad. I also lost my best assistant, my golden retriever, several months ago so you have my empathy and sympathy over your loss. And I'm currently suffering a loathing of cooking this heat which came east to here...although not nearly as bad as your coast but it kills the appetite and makes one loath to light a fire for any cooking. Even BBQ means standing outdoors in heat and humid conditions.
What? The weather caused by politics? The weather must've addled someone's brain:)
So sorry about your Golden, and thank you for your kindness about losing Domino. It's so hard, isn't it?
Hope tomorrow is a better day, Donna.
So sorry about the loss of your beloved Domino. Very hard to loose them.
Your photos are wonderful and appetizing. We have had some relative coolness here for several days, which is greatly appreciated.
Thank you, Marianne. After burying Miss Domino, I suddenly realized this is the first time in my adult life I haven't had an animal: no chickens, horses, dogs, cats, rabbits. I'm sure it won't be forever, but it's very strange and lonely - I had no idea how vocal and involved she was in my life, and I with her.
Glad you've had some relief from the heat!
Sorry about your kitty Katrina:(
Hot humid and dry here this summer also..Just got well needed rain but it will take a lot more for the greening of my part of QC..
Thanks for all the recipes too.
Ah well, Nana, all part of life to lose a cherished pet, but hard, always. Thank you for your kind words - and happy you enjoyed the recipes. We just had rain for two days, and the brook is running well, but, as you say, we need more to bring the water table up. At least we are doing better than our friends in the mid and western states, for which I am very grateful.
I'm so sorry for your loss! It's so hard when we lose our friends. You're right about it being an unusual summer. It's Louisiana hot and humid and dry like it is down there in the summer. Definitely not what I expect from New Hampshire. You have a wonderful list of ideas that are perfect for this weather. Thanks so much for sharing them. I'm inspired!
Candace : It surely is Louisiana ( and Mississippi - where I lived for almost 4 years) weather. Whew! Nope, not what you'd expect, but the nights are finally cooler and days, a little drier. Time to head up to the mountains, I think. Thanks so much for your kind words!
It's still winter here in Australia but being from Maine I do understand how the summers are up there. Drought was rare when I was growing up but it did happen and it was always sad.
Sorry about Domino. Isn't it wonderful that we can love another creature that much, though?
Maureen - happy to meet you and your blog! A weather person said our strange weather is coming from California and a shift in wind currents - whatever it is, it is strange, odd, bizarre. Imagine Maine without snow in winter and you get the picture what it's like this year in NH.
Thank you for your kind words about Domino - you are right that it is a blessing to love another being, but so sad when they move along. Just tough.
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