It happens once in a while : you try out what sounds like a great recipe that just doesn't work. In this case, it was a recipe from The Modern Baker, which has blessed me with many, many great recipes. I should have listened to the bell clanging in my head when the tart crust dough called for baking powder. I should have, but didn't. And the result was an olive oil dough that was just too thick and fluffy for the delicate goat cheese and fresh basil. I ended up eating only the filling.
So, I will try again, this time seeding the tiny tomatoes, and sauteeing them to sweeten them a bit, as well as tossing them with both basil and oregano - just the basil made for a very underwhelming custard.
And next time I'll use either the olive oil crust I've used before, or Julia or Martha's recipes for tart crusts. Live and learn!
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I hate when something that sounds so good, doesn't work! I can see what you mean about the crust. I can't wait to see you redo it, because the combination sounds fantastic!
It looks good!!! Don't you hate it when, after going to all that work and expense something isn't just right! I've not had many failures but those I had were extremely disappointing.
But I must say that from the picture if you hadn't told us, we'd never know -- the pics look really yummy!
Thanks for the empathy, Pam and Martha! I rarely have a recipe that misses, but I guess this failure is a good reminder to listen to that bell clanging in my head!
As soon as I get more goat cheese I'll try a redo and let you know.
I agree, the photos tell a different story - it looks wonderful! We will anticipate the redo.
Thanks, Barb! Sorry to say even the filling wasn't up to snuff for me, but I have some ideas on how to make it better. Soon!
For a FAIL it still looks awfully good. Gorgeous, in fact. But I totally get the crust texture disappointment. That happens so often in gluten-free cooking. I feel ya.
Karina!!! Been thinking about you and hope you're feeling much better after your hospital experience.
It's so frustrating when I know the exact texture I want and it was such a bust. Nick's recipes are usually spot-on (ish), so it was even more of a let down.
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