All content copyright Katrina Hall 2008 through 2025

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

chive blossom vinegar

Spring brings many seasonal joys:  asparagus, sorrel, violets, and the glory of the chive plants.  Their blossoms can be used (make sure they haven't been sprayed or visited by a dog) in salads, in omelets , in a little bouquet, and to make this gorgeous magenta vinegar.

In past years, I've packed a jar with the blossoms and covered with white vinegar, placed in the sun for a few days, then strained into bottles.  But all we have had is rain, rain, rain, so I used my neighbor's inspired method and whizzed the mixture in a blender.  Voila !  Intense color and flavor with no waiting for those sunny days.

Because herb vinegars should never come in contact with metal, I use a funnel stuck in the top of the bottle I'm using for the vinegar, and a coffee filter placed inside the funnel.  The vinegar comes out clear and colorful.  For this particular vinegar, store in the fridge instead of a dark cupboard.  The oniony flavor stays intense, and so does the color.  The chive blossom vinegar I made last year is just about gone, but it's still as bright and pungent as it was a year ago, thanks to keeping it chilled.

Another thing to remember:  pack the jar about half full of chive flowers , then pour in the vinegar, then puree and strain.  If you don't have a goodly amount of flowers, the vinegar won't be as colorful.

I found the prettiestt post on making chive flower vinegar from Lottie + Doof - you can see it here:

Hope your day is beautiful!


katrina said...

Oh my - I wasn't paying attention to the type size! But I actually like it - do you think it's too small to read easily?
love, Katrina

Martha said...

Tis is one of my favorite herbal vinegars -- love the flavor and the color!

katrina said...

Oh, so true, Martha! And it's such a wonderful way to get that oniony flavor without the harshness of chopped onions. Would love an additional ideas for this beyond the salad dressing, if you have any - thanks!

Marianne said...

Inspired! I will have to try making this if my daughter has any of the chive flowers left in her garden.

Do you put the whole chive flower in salads, Katrina?

katrina said...

Oh, I hope you find some, Marianne! I have a lovely old recipe from the Shaker community, where you tear apart the blossom and sprinkle it in the omelet, but I usually use the whole flower in a salad. If the flowers are huge, I would tear them up a little. Also great in frittatas and quiches, and in marinades. Best of luck!